GMR - GYMmove Rewards
Total supply GMR token: 50,000,000 GMR
Presale:30% Liquidity: 15% Ecossytem Rewards App: 50% (Locked) Team: 4% (Locked) Pinksale: 1% (Locked)
GMR token mechanics - GYMmove Rewards Token Gymmove Rewards (GMR) Is a utility token with 50,000,000 supply. The GMR Token can be obtained through the use of the app, where you exercise to win.
Selling tax allocation
Buying tax is 0% - That means you buy token for FREE
Selling tax is 5% - This 5% will be divided in 2 pools
Liquid pool: 2% for liquid pool
Marketing and Reward Pool: 3%
Fair Launch:
Last updated